A/B Audio Player

Yes, I did download shortly before I wrote the message. I downloaded again today, from two browsers (Brave and Safari) and still get the "old" version. (Deleted the previous downloads and macros).
I wonder if it downloads correctly for others?

Does the version you downloaded have the 3sec skip buttons? If so it should also allow you to select more than two files in the Finder before triggering the macro to load them in.

Can't think why it isn't working for you if so. Can anyone else chime in?

If you're referring to the + button to add another player, that's only in the web app version.

Hi, yes, I see the 3sec button. I did realize that the + button is only for the web player, my mistake.

If I select files before I launch, I receive an error. Even with one file:

With several files, I get the same error (files are selected before I start the macro)

There is no playback, even though the UI looks like it is playing back.

The only way it works for me if I start without a selection and then drag one or two files on the UI. I cannot drag a 3rd or 4th file on the UI.
And when it works, it's a great help. (I usually do not AB more than two files anyway)

That's very strange. What OS are you on?

Are the files on an external drive? Any other possible factors you can think of?

Anyone else having problems?

Just realized that the path to my files might be the issue since it contains () and (I.e Volumes/DATA/Dropbox (Personal)/_GLOBAL/[MUSIC] …. etc. etc. )

DATA is a second volume of the internal disk.
The file although in the Dropbox they are available offline.

Can’t check now, I’ll check tomorrow what happens if I have the files on the desktop.

I’m on 13.6.6 on an M2

Best, Panos

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Hi, Sorry for the delay. I finally checked again. If I have the files on my desktop, the player works as expected, even if there is ( ) or in the path name.
The problem appears if the files are not on the boot disk. Any other volume (regardless if physically internal or external) will fail.

Are the external drives encrypted?

I don't have any idea how to troubleshoot this I'm afraid. Perhaps someone else can help?

No, no encryption for the drives.

The problem most likely stems from the fact that @noisneil's macro uses the Custom HTML Prompt action and because that is built on WebKit it can only work with "local files".

Have a look at the following threads - I know they refer to image/icon files, but the problem seems to affect accessing files that are not on the built-in drive.

I'd love to be wrong about this...

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You know, I hate to say this but I think you're right. :tired_face:

Ok I've had a thought....

What about if the macro programatically creates a symlink of each input file in /tmp, and the prompt references that instead? @tiffle, would that trick Webkit into thinking the files were local?

Just guessing (I really am no expert on this) that since this appears to be related to security and sandboxes I suspect that wouldn't work. Do give it a go, though, if you have time.

Dammit, right again! I just made a symlink and it wouldn't play. Hmmph.

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Yeah - a bummer. That's a nice macro though for most users :clap:

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You should, I think, be able get access to fuller permissions if you rewrite it as an Electron app

I did look into it but figured it was okay as it was. Might need to look again!

Is it hard to do?

What you have seems pretty good, but Electron is certainly well supported by intro materials, if you do have strong motivation for fuller permissions.

It's the Chrome, rather than WebKit engine, and file system access is essentially through Node.js, with some Electron-specific libraries.

The only real difference that I can think of, it terms of using a little bit of JavaScript, is getting used to a more asynchronous model.

Do you think Electron would allow me to use Wavesurfer.js to display waveforms, as I do on the web version? I haven't managed to get this going in KM.

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Looks like someone was exploring that here, a while back:

javascript - Open local file in electron and render in wavesurfer.js - Stack Overflow

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Ok it's working as an Electron app now. Need to make a few adjustments but that's a good start.

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This is your most significant contribution to the world. It helped me with my mixes immensely. THANK YOU

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