A keyboard shortcut to restore a set of Finder window tabs?

Hi, @douglerner If you have another approach that is meeting you needs, the approach I'm suggesting might not be worth your trouble. But...

Technically you wouldn't need all of the subroutines included in Finder Assistant, but the simplest approach is to install them all.

In the post above, the example macro calls the Finder Assistant subroutine 𝗌.𝗳𝗻𝗱⇾NewTabOrWindowInSpace four times. That sub then calls other subroutines in Finder Assistant, but there's nothing you need to do if all of the Finder Assistant macros are installed.

If you look at the example calling macro above, I suspect you'll know how to revise it for your needs. But if not, feel free to ask. Or again, no offense whatsoever if you don't want to pursue this option.

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