I'm quite familiar with man, thanks, but not being an OSX techie I don't know what a bundle is and why you might use it instead of an app's name.
...I now know what a bundle is but I'm still unsure as to why an app can be identified in several ways and why those ways might not refer to the same thing.
I'm still unclear as to why initiating /Applications/calibre.app and open -b net.kovidgoyal.calibre give different results as they are both referring to the same thing.
Or are they?
BTW, the system log contains the following
Nov 25 14:39:56 Ts-iMac com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.xpc.launchd.oneshot.0x10000016.calibre[14204]): Service exited with abnormal code: 2
when calibre.app is launched using the problematical KM action. Does this give some clue as to what the problem is?