Adding other language variations to Execute a …

[This one is probably for @peterlewis to answer.] We have the actions Execute an AppleScript, Execute a Shell Script, and Execute a JavaScript. Other than the threat of language proliferation, is there a technical reason why we don’t have, in particular, Execute a Python Script? Is it perhaps that Python, Perl, Ruby, etc. scripts can be executed through Execute a Shell Script?

Yes, pretty much everything else is handled by Execute Shell Script quite easily.

There is no reason they couldn’t be native, but it really does not add very much. Python, Perl, Ruby, etc scripts pretty much all start with the #! script specification anyway. AppleScript, JavaScript, and Swift less so, because they are used to be executed in a place where their compilation/execution is known. And frankly, adding Swift was more for marketing that usefulness currently, since Swift is very “hot” currently, but not much used as a scripting language, although that may change in the future.