Any issues with KM and El Capitan?

So I just learned something broke when I moved to Yosemite that I missed since I upgraded. I also have a AppleScript that doesn’t seem to be working in Yosemite and Mail. In order to get the functionality back I was thinking of doing the El Capitan update.

Does KM work ok with El Capitan?

Any Applescript issues anyone knows of?

Can share the specifics of what broke with the Yosemite upgrade?
I haven't seen any issues. Running Yosemite 10.10.5.

I don't know about KM, but you might want to check your other apps that are critical to your workflow. Evernote, for example, has had a few issues with El Capitan, but seems to be steadily fixing them.

Hey John

Yosemite really broke Mail Rules scripts.

If you're issue doesn't include a rule script you'll have to post it for me to see what's up.

I think El Capitan fixed the rule script problem, but I don't use them and am not quite certain.

Unless you KNOW software you depend on is incompatible with El Capitan I'd advise you to go ahead and upgrade.


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That seems to be something I find out after I do upgrades. Vendors will say something doesn't work and it in fact does. Users will report on and Macintouch that it does then I find it doesn't.

I am using the mail scripts based on the statement stuff I was working on. Now I note the scripts aren't firing.

I want to upgrade so I suppose I will and then start testing. Thanks!

You might search the forums of the apps that are critical to you for El Capitan issues. For example, if you go to the Evernote forum, you will find a number of threads reporting issues with El Capitan.

JMichael, Agreed. I do. However there always seem to be apps that are useful that run into snags which I find out about later. My main reason for asking here was to learn if KM has any issues. Though I am happy to hear about your experience with Evernote or even apps I don’t use for that matter. Even if it doesn’t help me - it may help someone else along the line.

I am finding I am becoming more and more dependent on KM. Especially with some keyboard shortcuts that broke in Mac OS X and haven’t yet been fixed. Example: the has a notes feature. It used to be I could launch, find, open, and unlock a note all with the keyboard. This was true to 10.6. It broke and I always had to check the box to unlock the note which previously could be opened by tabbing to the checkbox then hitting the spacebar which put a check in the checkbox then prompted me for my password. I have used KM to work around that ever since. When 10.7 came out and it didn’t work I reported it via Apple’s Feedback page and through their bug reporting channel. Then 10.8 and finally 10.9 came out :hourglass_flowing_sand: and in each case I reported it being broken. I even wrote a letter to Tim Cook about it. It’s still broken so I figure my best recourse is to learn how to use KM really well.

Hey John

System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Keyboard > Change the way Tab moves focus

^F7 is the default keyboard shortcut for toggling it on/off.


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Are you serious? That’s all it was??? You’d think the engineer from Apple who called me would have known that one. :smile:

However, in his defense he seemed more interested in the calendar bug I found. At the same time I feel really stupid. Another issue resolved.

Here is one resource for checking app compatibility.

I haven’t had any issues with KM in El Capitan.

RoaringApps is showing conflicting info for:
####Outlook for Mac 2011 – RoaringApps

However, there is one comment that says it has been fixed:

kenjikato on why version 14.6.0 works fine on OS X El Capitan:

The 14.6.0 update to Outlook for Mac 2011 seems to have fixed the issue with the app hanging when retrieving messages from Exchange server. NOTE: I did a clean install of Office 2011 on a clean install of El Capitan, ran the Microsoft Office updater from within Word until the Office 2011 was updated to 14.6.0 before I configured Outlook.

Anyone here running Outlook 2011 Mac? Any issues?

JM, I did the deed. Upgraded over the weekend. Really doesn’t seem like a whole lot changed. Not too much difference really. More like a minor fixes and feature additions release. There sure does seem to be a lot of chatter about problems with it in newsgroups but I have a feeling many are from novices.

Yeah Chris I did it over the weekend. Seems like they moved the location of scripts (and I didn’t notice) at some point. Or at least the mail scripts. I haven’t had a chance to test them yet but so far there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of difference between Yosemite and El Capitan other than performance tweaks and a couple of bells and whistles.

Thanks Rick, I know about Roaring Apps. There are a couple of problems with Roaring Apps...
Multiple entries for some apps (See Quicken & Quickbooks)
Not mainstream yet and excepted as the defacto standard as yet.
Inaccurate information as far as Works/Doesn't Work. (At least from programs I have researched).

Hopefully it will get better and sort out some of the problems.

Yes agreed. See my earlier comment to Rick. :smile: