Can Conflict Menus and Prompt With List Menus be Made Case-Sensitive?

I see how the display of the symbols, etc. works, but in terms of the Prompt With List menu that shows "Option 1" and "Option 2", I put a "a" and "b" at the ends of those lines so that I could actually pick one of the options with and without the Shift key being down. Only the alphabetic letters with match shifted and unshifted in a Prompt With List menu.

That is exactly the distinction that I want to be able to make, "a" vs "A" and "b" vs "B". In your original list, typing "1" vs "⇧1" just got "!" as input, and that did not match anything in the list. with my mod to the list, typing "a" or "A" got the same entry, and there is still no way to tell them apart, because %PromptWithListModifiers% only applies to the [Return] character.

To test more easily, I wrapped your PWL and the following Alert in a Execute Until ... loop and set the ending to the press of the Esc key. That way I could just keep trying combinations without having to rerun the macro.

I can't yet see a way to get that value for the character, or the last character in a string, that is choosing the Prompt With List entry, because it is always, as far as I can tell, followed by a [Return]} character to actually continue executing the macro. The entire value of the PWL entry is returned to the PWL action.

I can use any combination of zero, one, two, three, or all four modifiers when I press [Return] and the macro correctly identifies them. But there doesn't appear to be any way to get the value of what was pressed right before the [Return]`.

Whether I pick Option 1 or Option 2 in your test list, I seem to be able to use any combination of modifiers on the [Return] keypress and get them accurately in the %PromptWithListModifiers% token, but I can't use modifiers in the menu choice characters so there is nothing for that token to report.

If I type lowercase a and [Return] your Scratchpad macro reports that no modiers were used. If I type uppercase A and ⇧[Return] your Scratchpad macro reports that the ⇧ modifier was used. But I have to have the ⇧ down for both characters. If I type lowercase a and ⇧[Return] your Scratchpad macro reports that ⇧ was used. It doesn't care about the A.

I had particularly been hoping to use %PromptWithListModifiers% with my
Macro: “Follow Menu Choice with Return” (v0.5) , which works by making each lowercase character be a trigger for a macro that sends its trigger followed by a [Return] character. But it's not going to work. In that macro, in order to distinguish shifted letters, I would have to define another 26 triggers for the capital letters.

What it comes down to is that a [Return] character is always needed to make a Prompt WIth List selection, so the value of the %PromptWithListModifiers% token is always the set of modifiers that were applied to the [Return] character.

That means for any one Prompt With List menu item choice, there are 16 variations on the [Return] character that can be used, and that could have some very interesting uses.

But that's not the "case sensitive" that I was describing in the original question.