Hello Eduardo (@Eduardo_Paredes)
Without repeating too much of things others like (for example) Peter (@peternlewis) said above there are not many ways to do this. Here is a List of options:
the good and for a very long time existing Hot Key Multi-Press Template written by Dan (@DanThomas) where you have an Only-One-Macro Template that’s working based of only one HotKey Tigger,
another Hot Key Multi-Press Template which was written by me an is based on the one by Dan, that also supports Long Pressing ***
And your last option:
- Neil‘s (@noisneil) Multi-Press Macro Templates which aren’t an Only-One-Macro Template Solution - if I remember it correctly.
*** A Note about my Template I shared with you This is still a solution I am working on from time to time to make it snappier but that’s a really complex task - and I don’t have much spare time for this Project at the moment. So please bare with me if you tend to use this project.
Also note these you only have one Shortcut as a Base for all of these Templates. You might consider dividing your panned Task into Two Macros instead of only One
I hope this answer gives you what you want to accomplish your Task.
If you have any questions I, Neil, Dan and maybe others are willing to help you when ever possible.
Greetings from Germany