For me it also auto-disables “Show unread application badge”.
It seems “Show unread application badge”=ON is the app’s default setting, but on every app launch it writes ShowUnreadBadge false
to the preferences.
It doesn’t make much sense to edit the prefs file with a normal text editor, because with recent macOS versions the prefs are handled and cached by the cprefsd
But what you can do is, set the prefs via the default command:
defaults delete com.apparentsoft.socialite ShowUnreadBadge
This should restore the default setting (badge = on). Until the app sets it to false again
You can put the script into a KM macro and auto-launch it each time when the app starts:
Socialite Prefs Hack.kmmacros (2.2 KB)
Experiment with the value of the pause action. The script must run after Socialite has completely started up.