Change number everytime ,and scroll wheel down the number?

for 3 times cycle:

first: simulate scroll wheel down 2150, and click at (164, 200)

second: simulate scroll wheel down 2300, and click at (164, 200)

third: simulate scroll wheel down 2450, and click at (164, 200)

this is my macro, and I use whilte condictions(I can't find the program method : { for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)}

I set the Count as the cycle time,

and I set the initial Value : VarItemY = 2000.

I found the scroll wheel down not (2150->2300->2450), why ?

because the variable before while condictions is not effect ?

and I find the office wiki about calculation number is easy and not many examples.

If you upload the macro too, I would be happy to test it on mine. It would make it easier for others too.

However, it looks like you shouldn't have the variable between % symbols. It should be

Set variable VarItemY

to: VarItemY+150

as below, from the link you pasted.