Changing the colour of the highlighted letter in the conflict palette

I did some research on palette on the forums and the wiki and didn't find the answer to the following question. If not possible, you can consider you have a new feature request :grinning:

After creating a few macros, I tried to find the best style for my conflict palette. I found a few nice themes but for any of them, I found the readability could have been improved if I could choose the colour of the highlighted letter.

For example, if I could have set the colour of the highlighted letter to red or orange, it would have been perfect:

Here you can see how the lack of contrast makes the macros names not readable. I see exactly the same on my screen in the sense that it is as unreadable on my screen as on this image.

The highlight color is part of the palette theme, so it could be configured in a custom palette theme.


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