Connect to Server Macro Needed


I would like to create a macro that connects to my NAS server.

Right now I use KM to run an Apple script:

tell application "Finder" to open location "afp://BUserver.local"

This will open 1) the Connect To Server window and finally 2) open the window where I can type user & password. But how can I tell KM to WAIT for the second window:

. before filling out the details?

Have you thought about trying Pause Until: Found Image

Just a guess from me...

No I have not. But would like to use a command, that include user & pass. That's more simple.

Hi all

Also very interested in a quick method to quick mount specific shared on my Qnap

@Musicmind, did you find a satisfactory solution for this?



No! I didn't find any solution.