Conversion pages (Mac) from Inline LaTex document using Keyboard Maestro macro

On my machine, this macro doesn't work (I can't hit the run button), maybe there's a problem with my machine settings. I will study the macro you gave me and update it.


You will possibly need to enable the macro as usually they are installed disabled to prevent accidental (and malicious) usage. Check the box highlighted here:
CS Keyboard Maestro 2020-10-10 at 10.01.43

The problem is that you are trying to compile LaTeX equations and normal text all at the same time. The best option is to use a LaTeX application itself.

You are finding out that, when you work with components that have LaTeX, you have four options:

  • Manually enter the text and LaTeX into Pages (or another program), switching each time between normal text and LaTeX.
  • Create / find a (complex) macro that will do the above for you.
  • Learn LaTeX with a real LaTeX editor application, also learning how to put figures into the document.
  • Change your approach to separate the LaTeX math from the normal text and figures, for example so that you are not trying to run an in-line mode of compilation over an entire paragraph of input.

I will close with one example of a lecture slide that I generated in Curio to combine text, equations, mind maps, and pictures.

The equations are embedded using LaTeXiT, not with the equation editor in Curio (while it is good in its own right, it is only a recent addition to Curio, and I have a longer history of developing equations into Curio with LaTeXiT).

For the opposing view of paginated documents with text, images, and equations, you need only visit any one of the many journal articles in physics, chemistry, or other disciplines. Many of them have their source files generated entirely in LaTeX formats.

My recommendations in summary: If you are generating a paginated document, learn to use LaTeX directly. It is really not that hard to embed text, math, and images to that point that wrapping around figures is also possible. If you are generating a free-flowing document (what I might call a white board), learn to separate the components for math (LaTeX), normal text, images, and other content to be able to work properly with each tool.

Best of regards with your ongoing explorations.
