I was a big TextExpander user before I found KM. I now use both a lot.
But with TE moving to an expensive ($48/yr) subscription model, I won't be upgrading TE.
So, having used both TE and KM, IMO KM can be a great text expansion provider for many, many users. Of course, KM is much, much more than just a text expander tool!
But if you are more of a power user (like Chis, Tom, and myself (and others here), then you will probably find an app dedicated to text expansion useful.
Since both Chris and Tom think so highly of Typinator, I just took a look at it. With the 30% discount code of KC8L
(expires Apr 8) that Peter provided earlier for KeyCue, I'm plan to buy the package deal, and save 33%
Turns out the discount applies to your entire order.
Looks like EUR 29.91 is about $US 34.08.