Delete and Move

I moved it to the Global Macro Group.
I did not close Obsidian because that subfolder in ~/Documents is not accessed by Obs; I copied the folder accessed by Obs in order to test the macro.

This time I don't get the "cloonk" sounds, but this notification:

All right, try this version. It should modify the files it can, skip the ones it can't, and present a list of the ones it couldn't when it's done:

Bulk Format and Rearrange Metatext 1.1.kmmacros (8.9 KB)

Assuming that all works as intended, try opening at least one of the files it failed on (all if there aren't too many) and posting the contents of one or two that's representative of the failures here.

I tried again to run it from the Obsidian macro group but it did not run. Transfer to the Global group did the trick. Most of the files seem to have been converted, some were not, though I did not check all the files.

I picked up a few and put the original version and the bungled version in a zipped folder. (12.2 KB)

Thanks for providing the files; that made it considerably easier to test. This last tweak should hopefully do the trick:

Bulk Format and Rearrange Metatext 1.1.1.kmmacros (9.4 KB)

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Yes !!! That works perfectly. You're a star.
Many thanks for your help AND your patience.

I have marked this as the solution.
All the best for now, and perhaps we'll meet again.

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the KM community is among--if not the--most thorough and helpful community i have ever seen. much love to all the superstars here, you know who you are!

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@cfriend: I agree that the community seems to be very helpful and friendly. To say it is THE most, is perhaps a bit over the top: I had good experience with 1 or 2 others, and the Obsidian community is fabulous.

It is probably more accurate to say that the KM community is ONE of the most friendly/helpful.

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Just wanted to say welcome. Yes, the app and this amazing group of people are so helpful, I wish I could hug them all. Welcome to the KM community!

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@ppayne: many thanks for your kind words of welcome. I look forward to exchanging with people here.

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Joining you in the warm thanks to the community, giving much credit for it to "the head of the pyramid", Peter! Iit would never be too much or too late for that).
I've had numerous times been helped here.
My only wish is that somewhen I will be able to "give back". With my very limited knowledge (most of what I read is like Chinese to me) (I don't understand Chinese) :smile: it's hard to find someone who needs my help... :slight_smile:
Cheers. Saul

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@Saul: thanks for your warm welcome. Like you, macros are like Chinese to me, and I don't understand Chinese either. But I'll try to learn.

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Yes, it's REALLY worth it! :blush: