Yes, but you cannot seem to do the reverse of that.
Apparently in older versions of the system, you could do something like:
date ("2017-03-04T11:15:01" as «class isot»)
But that no longer works.
Yes, but you cannot seem to do the reverse of that.
Apparently in older versions of the system, you could do something like:
date ("2017-03-04T11:15:01" as «class isot»)
But that no longer works.
Without the “T” it works:
date ("2017-03-04 11:15:01")
→ date "Saturday, 4 March 2017 at 11:15:01"
So, from localized current date → ISO date → localized date:
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"T"}
set isoDate to text items of ((current date) as «class isot» as string)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {" "}
set localizedDate to date (isoDate as text)
Hmmm, that doesn't work for me:
Running Script Editor 2.8.1 (183.1) on macOS 10.11.6
That doesn't work either, this time in Script Debugger:
Script Debugger 6.0.4 (6A198) on macOS 10.11.6.
@Tom, it must be something in your system that allows that?
Hmm. Works in both ScriptDebugger 6.0.4 (6A198) and in Script Editor 2.9 (191); macOS 10.12.3 (16D32).
Removed all .osax from /Library/ScriptingAdditions and ~/Library/ScriptingAdditions, restarted the Mac, and it still works.
Tom, I just tried it on a different Mac, but with same result, same error.
So, it must be how AppleScript is handling localization of dates -- that's all I can think of.
I'll post on the AppleScript Users List, and see what people report.
Yep, on my other Mac (also 10.12.3) I get the same error as you.
Have to see what this is…
@Tom, this just reported from the ASUL:
Works fine for me on 10.12.3:
date "Saturday, March 4, 2017 at 11:15:01"
My short date pref is set to yyyy/MM/dd instead of the standard MM/dd/yyyy, if that makes any difference.
OK, found it: it works on the one Mac because the system’s short date format was set to ISO:
Yes, this makes the difference.
Heck, stupid AppleScript!
So you can use this handler instead:
set myDate to my convertISOtoDate("2017-03-04T11:15:01")
on convertISOtoDate(pDateStr)
--- pDateStr MUST be in the format of
--- YYYY<delim>MM<delim>DD
-- OR
--- YYYY<delim>MM<delim>DD<delim>HH:dd:ss
--- where <delim> can be any character
--- like 2016-01-05
set resultDate to the current date
set the year of resultDate to (text 1 thru 4 of pDateStr)
set the month of resultDate to (text 6 thru 7 of pDateStr)
set the day of resultDate to (text 9 thru 10 of pDateStr)
set the time of resultDate to 0
if (length of pDateStr) > 10 then
set the hours of resultDate to (text 12 thru 13 of pDateStr)
set the minutes of resultDate to (text 15 thru 16 of pDateStr)
if (length of pDateStr) > 16 then
set the seconds of resultDate to (text 18 thru 19 of pDateStr)
end if
end if
return resultDate
end convertISOtoDate
-->date "Saturday, March 4, 2017 at 11:15:01 AM"