Enhancements to Tom's Coronavirus Macro

The source is posted in the OP, section “More Info”. And it has been there from the beginning, IIRC.

==UPDATED==: 2020-03-24 20:41 GMT-5

I have stopped development of my version of this macro.
I have found the delay and reliability of the data in GitHub to be unacceptable.
There is at least a days delay between the main JHU Coronavirus Tracker site and the data on GitHub.
The data is changing much too fast for this to be acceptable to me.
I have also found that it is easy to navigate the main site, so for now that is my solution.
As I have time, I am working on a KM Macro that uses JavaScript to webscrape the main site.


My Enhancement

==UPDATED==: 2020-03-17 19:36 GMT-5

I prefer a window with better formatting that stays on the screen, and also to have the results put on the clipboard.

Example Output


So I DISABLED this Action:

And Inserted these two Actions:

New Actions for @Tom's Coronavirus Macro


I have removed the download while I am refining my changes.

NOTE: These are Actions which import differently than Macros.
Click on the Notification Action, and then import these Actions.


Personally, I think the death count is not important (depends on too much external factors; already the Confirmed counts are very unreliable, i.e., it must be put into relation with the state of information capability/willingness of the specific country)

My macro is about giving a quick notification. Please consider to put any macros with a different purpose into a separate thread.

Do you know WHEN the data is updated?

The macro is producing quite different results from their live site:


Macro Results:

You find information also on this in the OP.

If your argument will be that once a day it not sufficient, then please keep in mind that any higher frequency than 1/d will likely not be very informative (in terms of reliability of data). It may be reliable, but the gain from a high-frequency update seems dubious to me.

PS: This may change in the weeks to come.

Actually I could NOT find it in your OP. That's why I asked.
IAC, after some digging, I found this on the Github site:

Update frequency: Files after Feb 1 (UTC): once a day around 23:59 (UTC).

I don't see any necessary correlation between update frequency and reliability.
Either we trust the data maintained by JH or we don't. An update at least every 12 hrs would be helpful.

Well, there, from the OP:

Anyway, as said, for posting a macro with a different purpose (than throwing a simple notification), opening a thread for that would be an option.

OK, fine. I'll respect your wishes. Usually minor mods (like my simple display) are put in the same thread with the main macro. Do you want me to move my mods to a new thread?

New Question: You have a KM Variable named "Local Time Latest" which reports this:
"COVID-19 in US: Texas (2020-03-16T23:53:03)"

Can you confirm that is GMT?

I think it would be fine. In this case the difference of just displaying a Notification vs calling a web page or a persistent window is significant.

I’m looking into this…

Give me a hint, couldn’t find any irregularities, so I could save some time maybe. (Probably I’m blind tonight, as it happens)

You have downloaded the latest version (0.8.4), right?

Thanks. BTW, Great creativity on the ttile. But “Macro” instead of “Maceo” would have been nicer.


I’m ungrateful :wink:

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Thanks for having put it apart.

Once again, give me a hint (if you want); Texas is reporting fine here:

Screen Shot 2020-03-18 at 02.13.29

@JMichaelTX Where can I download the updated macro?

I've been working on some major enhancements, so I have not uploaded these small changes. If I don't finish within a day or so, I'll post my small enhancements.

Can I please get the Macro again? The one I have installed doesn't filter out the 1 country you typed into the prompt.

Macro was working, today it errors

and the initial input screen is looking different..

In case you are referring to the original macro, I can confirm an error.

I try to fix it. No promises.


Data base seems to be down (2020-03-25T00:25+01)

Sorry guys, I have discontinued development of my macro:

I recommend everyone use the main JHU site:

Coronavirus COVID-19 Tracker by Johns Hopkins University

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