Excel: Paste special / Values

In Excel, I want to paste as unformatted values. The way to do this in excel is Edit / Paste special, and then a dialog box comes up, and you click "Values". How can I create a macro that does this. Here is a screen shot of that dialog box.

Almost all of those items have keyboard shortcuts, but you can't see them in the Mac version (which is frustrating, as I reported it maybe a decade ago?). You can find the list in the app's help—search for "Keyboard Shortcuts," then look for this link: Keyboard shortcuts in the Paste Special dialog box in Excel 2013.

In Windows, they show them when the dialog box is onscreen:

I used this to build a palette (bound to Shift-Ctrl-E) that lets me easily select the actions I use most often:


The actual mechanics of any one action are like this:


You can modify this palette for your own use, or just take the one you want and make it a standalone macro.

app-Excel palette Macros.kmmacros (82 KB)


thank you. very helpful