Extract two columns from a CSV file

I’ve installed it with cpanminus, which in turn can easily be installed via Homebrew.

Unfortunately it's only returning 4 of 5 rows (skipping the first row after the header-line), and I have no idea why. (I did have to change the line-endings of the file to Unix […]

It seems you have a different file?! Hans’s file from the download link above does have exactly 4 rows (rows 0 to 3, plus one header row).

And the script —at least for me— returns exactly 4 rows:

2-modus	2-Betrieb	
4-modus	4-Betrieb	
afdekkap	Abdeck, ,kappe	
afdekking	Abdeckung	

In my file the first row (after the header row) is the one with “2-modus” and “2-Betrieb”.

(The commas have been added by me to the source CSV, for testing ("Abdeck, ,kappe").)

And when I add a fifth row, the script returns exactly 5 rows. The same for 6 rows and so on. It also works with Hans’ original CRLF line endings.

Can it be that your Macports install gave you an outdated module, once again:wink: