[Feature Request] Add MIDI CC message

any news on this update? I am so looking forward!

181012-1639- OK, I did some serious work in the MIDI triggers today - so grateful for this functionality. Extending beyond notes and CC (wow so many options!) to raw packets which are exciting but into the realm of Hex-MIDI hacking. A great companion to this module is: snoize: MIDI Monitor - a classic and required utility.

I couldn't get Program Changes going using raw packets - or, I should say I could get them going with the packet filters wide open but not with refining (I found that other CC triggers would understandably also be fired if packet trigger filters were wide open). I thought PC were just CC 00. Using packets, my understanding was a program change to 001 would just be a packet of "00 00". With enough research I'll figure this out.

I created a kit of foot controller triggers - I added it here:


I'm finding great use for this - Logic Pro has changed a lot about its handling of connected controllers in the last few revs, and KBM is now making it easy for me to breathe new (auto-mapping) life into an otherwise great keyboard/controller that had largely aged out of its original usefulness. There's a lot you can do with Logic's built-in automation mapping, but it's even better with KBM.

E.g. In Logic I've set up 8 different sets of uses so far for the 8 endless encoders on my keyboard, and I can switch between them from the keyboard itself – but it doesn't work consistently due to some other vagaries specific to the keyboard. But switching via keystroke and KBM does work consistently, so that's awesome. And I'm showing them in a Palette that only displays if this kybd is attached when I launch Logic, and that's helping me learn the mappings - bonus!

Another thing I'm working on is sending SysEx from KBM to my keyboard to set a particular parameter that doesn't save with the keyboard patch ("HyperControl Mode" = Transport rather than the default of Normal, which is necessary for all my new mappings). I'm a little stuck on that but not losing sleep. I've got the correct string but getting it to the keyboard is the hitch. I've got real producing work to do rather than tinker with this atm, but I'll post when I've got it sorted.

Keyboard Maestro can send MIDI CC messages.

Do you mean triggering on MIDI CC messages? That is possible via the raw packet trigger.

Similarly you can send SysEx packets with the raw packets as well I believe. I don't really have plans to try to support them directly.

Hi, @peternlewis!

Exactly as I wrote, I'm sending a SysEx message from KBM (using Send raw packet), and it works. The logic of my macro says, "When Logic launches, see if the Axiom keyboard is connected. If it is, show this palette and send this MIDI packet."


When I say "it works," I mean I can Try Action on the Send raw packet and the outgoing SysEx gets recorded by Logic (as a test, not what I ultimately want), and it's seen by MIDI Monitor of course. But the keyboard, the intended recipient, isn't responding to it, so that's what I need to figure out.

I could easily make a PureData patch that KBM could trigger; the PD patch would take care of sending exactly that message to exactly that destination. In fact, PD would be the easiest way to test that the message actually effects the change at the keyboard. Alternatively, within Logic I could use the Environment (a sort of background patching utility) to create the needed routing and then make that part of my project templates. I'll either figure it out or not; it's not a must.

Also, the thing about SysEx is that it's System Exclusive – the address, the intended recipient, is built into the message. You, @peternlewis, don't need to do anything else, here, I don't think – I think it's on me to figure out as a routing issue.

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Yes, Keyboard Maestro does not control where the message goes or to which application, it just sends them. After that what happens is beyond my control.

i want to receive my kenton killamix endless encoders' 7bit values for further processing. can i do that now?

Maybe, via the MIDI trigger, raw packets. If you have troubles, ask in a new topic with specific details.

I like it that you're housekeeping by only enabling macro groups when required. :+1:

In case that you, or others, don't know, Macro Groups can be set to automatically activate/deactivate based on a variety of criteria. For details see Macro Groups in the KM Wiki.

Thanks. I do use various hardware controllers in different setup modes, so I've considered doing this programmatically as you suggest. It usually ends up easier to a/d in the Editor.

Can anyone advise me on how to convert a PC to hex?

You've likely already solved this, but this might help


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