Feature Request: "Run Shell Script" Uses Same Shell as the Terminal Shell

Hey @hello,

I think that would violate Apple's User Interface Guidelines.

I believe the default macOS system $PATH is:


That's the same as Keyboard Maestro's default $PATH:


And the same as AppleScript's default $PATH:

set shCmdStr to "echo $PATH"
do shell script shCmdStr

--> "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"

All you have to do to replicate the altered system path on your machine in Keyboard Maestro is to:

Paste echo $PATH | pbcopy in the Terminal.app and run it.

Then paste the result into a variable in Keyboard Maestro named ENV_PATH.

Here's mine by way of example:


Since this setting is can be deleted deliberately or accidentally, and since I need to have a default path occasionally for testing – I have a macro to recreate it for me.

Make ENV_PATH Variable.kmmacros (1.8 KB)

Here's a significantly upgraded version of the macro that uses the Terminal.app to acquire the $PATH.


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