Help with Making Macro that Uses Clipboard Text to Find and Trigger Macro with Same Words in Title

Nice! I like @gglick's approach. Reading through How to call a KM macro from a shell or Perl script I learn that Keyboard Maestro gives you example scripts for different kind of script triggers for different languages. You can then use those inside Keyboard Maestro to call Keyboard Maestro macros dynamically. :exploding_head:

Screenshot of where macro shows how to call macro by script language

Then I tried it myself but using the shell script action and it worked!!!! So cool!

I created a simple alert Macro with a name that I copied into my clipboard...

Screenshot of alert macro

Then I ran my own macro that calls a macro dynamically based on the contents of the clipboard and it worked!

Screenshot of clipboard macro calling macro

Thanks for joining the forum and asking a great question!

Help with Making Macro that Uses Clipboard Text to Find and Trigger Macro with Same Words in Title.kmmacros (45.1 KB)

testalert.kmmacros (44.4 KB)