Hide sub-group palettes

I am trying to configure KBM in such as way that I can quickly, with one single keystroke, go through a series of macro groups.
In the macro illustrated, I start with my personal group, let's call it Ronald Group (F19), then e to open the evernote group, followed by a keystroke activating one of the Evernote Group macros.
Everytime a group is activated, I want the palette to display to help me remember the keystroke shortcuts.
I think that it is Peter who had suggested that way of functioning and I find it very effective.
My problem is trying to find the best action which would close/hide each of the palettes in turn once a keystroke / macro within that palette (sub group) is activated.
thank you very much

(Post deleted. Image uploaded by OP)

sorry, I fogot. Edited the message

I, too, want to find ways to do that.

@ronald, have you considered using the conflict pallet, instead of hiding sup-group pallets?

I have done that several times already, and find it very convenient.
But I’m not sure if it would fit exactly your goal, or not.

I intentionally use the same trigger key for several macros.
KM’s conflict pallet pops up, automatically creating a branching tree to other macros.

As you hit keys to select branches, KM’s conflict pallet immediately adjusts to show only the available macros.
(Not need to specifically hide sub-group palettes.)

The macro tree could have a large number of branches.

Also, could have a macro to “back up” to the previous branch.

Very little effort to set up: just define triggers to fit.
If any changes, pallet appearance is automatically maintained by KM.

Happy to discuss and refine the idea.

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Here is an older topic that provides more ideas about this.
(Thank you, Discourse, for "Suggested Topics".)

Thank you for your reply.
I find (my opinion only) that using the conflict palette entails using the arrow keys and the return key, which is too tedious in my opinion. I would like to navigate quickly with single keystrokes.

@ronald -

I'm confused by that comment.
Please explain details about what you see and do.

On my computer, the conflict palette never uses arrow keys or return.
(Maybe it could, but I've never seen it.)
I must be missing something in your description, but what??

Here's a rough example for our discussion.


First trigger could be one character, such as "E" in your example above.
(Modifier keys not required, but I'm using in this example.)


Second trigger, with conflict palette visible, is always just one character.
In this example: A, B, or C.


Because there is a duplicate, if you hit "B", the conflict palette branches automatically to a sub-palette, like this:


Third trigger either "e" or "v" to run a macro.

So, using this approach, key "E B A" to launch Bean.

Underlying macro names and triggers look like this:

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Marc: I completely misunderstood ! A great idea ! I had not noticed that one could nagivate the conflict palette using hotkeys. It is brilliant solution. thanks again. You solved my problem

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Good to see the problem solved.

The “brilliant solution” came from reading posts on this forum.
Otherwise, I would not have understood the conflict palette.
I’m happy to pass it on.