How Can I Find All Macros That Have 'None' as an Execute Macro Step?

Is there a way to find all macros that have an action within it that is an execute macro set as 'none' ?

Indeed there is. :wink:


I never would have remembered this!


Just incredible!!!!! woof...
ya gotta love this game..... =)

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I still use it quite frequently! For instance I just had to set up a new work computer and transferred a few hundred “essential” macros from my main computer to it. But because I didn’t transfer my entire macro library it ended up with at least a dozen macros that had those broken actions. Your macro came in handy to remove them all.


That's funny, because I'm sure I would have had to think for quite a while to figure out how to handle it. In the past when this happens, I eventually start a project to write something, and I inevitably choose the same names as the project I wrote years ago, and when I see it already exists, I slap myself in the head and laugh.


I've done this more than a few times in the last 40 years, and sometimes my second (or third) bite at the apple is inferior to the first – although more than a few times I've written the same code verbatim (or close enough).

When I see I've used much the same names in the project I note that at least I'm consistent...


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Right there with you, on all points.

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