How can I instantly create a new macro in the same macro group with existing macros of currently active macro

I use a KM macro called Test to prototype my macros before I go on & create them.

I want to solve the issue of making the final macro ready for use when I am happy with how my Test macro looks.

Is it possible to go from this state in KM.

To this:

With all actions transferred & with focus on the name so I can fill it in.

Additionally it would be awesome if the Test macro would be cleared from the actions so it is empty.

Would be super grateful for such macro. :orange_heart:

I have a similar need, but use a different approach for solving it.

  1. Create a new Macro in the proper Macro Group, but append "@TEST" to the Macro name
  2. I have a Smart Macro Group whose criteria is "@TEST" in the Macro name.
  3. When finished testing, all I have to do is remove "@TEST" from the Name
    • I suppose you could write a Macro that does this, but it doesn't seem worth it to me.


Unfortunately your approach won't work for me.

I want to use my one Test macro way as I have a macro to instantly go to the Test macro so I can start instantly editing it:

And a way to run the macro instantly with Karabiner for rapid prototyping.

Only missing piece is the above translation of Test macro to a new global macro.

You could do it with AppleScript, but this sequence works and is easily automatable:

View ➤ Select Macro Column
Edit ➤ Duplicate
(title is automatically selected)

To remove all actions from an existing fixed macro, an AppleScript is the easiest solution:

tell application "Keyboard Maestro"
	delete every action of macro id "155F59EA-A4AD-4439-853A-61084ED33E9F"
end tell
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This will do the job, but, ==IMO, is highly risky. It could lead to deletion of all actions of a macro that you were not able to copy for some reason.== Then, there is no easy recovery, especially if you just made changes, that would not be in the "Revert Macros" option.

I would not use this procedure, but if I did, before I deleted all of the actions, I would save/export the macro to file. You could use this macro to do that:

MACRO: Export (Save) Selected Macro

Undo will undo this change.

But Undo will not work once you have quit the KM Editor.

True. But fortunately I never quit the editor :slight_smile:

Thanks @peternlewis. It works wonderfully well!