How can I use KM to make Kindle Highlights & Notes

Thanks for clarifying ... and yea, I almost always use a corner, as it means all the numbers will go in one direction. And because I think better positively than negatively, I tend to use the top left corner.

To get the numbers, make sure the image to be found is visible (select text in Kindle), switch to KM, and click the Get button. You'll hear some beeps; move the mouse to the spot you want to locate and wait for the beeps to end.

KM will then fill in the values in the cells.


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I forgot to ask: Do you think it’s possible to add the yellow highlighter & adding a note to the Move & highlight Macro? As in 1 keystroke highlights text, adds yellow, & opens up the note box. I tried to do it here myself a little bit, but it didn’t work.

Unless I'm not understanding something about Kindle (quite possible), the workflow would have to look like this:

  • Run the select-text macro.
  • Run the "Press Y" macro.
  • Move and click the mouse somewhere that's guaranteed to be in the highlight area you just created
  • Run the "Press A" macro.

The move and click step is needed because—at least in my Kindle app—the pop-up bar vanishes when you choose a color, so you have to click in the now-highlighted text to make it appear again, then you can annotate.

Assuming you haven't moved the mouse since the "end highlight" portion, you could probably get away with moving and clicking at something like -40 horizontal and -40 vertical, though there may be some weird line endings where that would break.

Edit: I think -0 horizontal would be better, then just -40 or whatever it takes to get one or two rows up. Going straight up from where the mouse is should pretty much guarantee you'll be within the highlighted area.

If I get some time later, I'll take a look at it.


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If you put the attached macro in the existing group, it should do what you want:

Download Macro(s): Kindle Select—Highlight Yellow—Note.kmmacros (53 KB)

Macro screenshot

Macro notes
  • Macros are always disabled when imported into the Keyboard Maestro Editor.
    • The user must ensure the macro is enabled.
    • The user must also ensure the macro's parent macro-group is enabled.
System information
  • macOS 14.4.1
  • Keyboard Maestro v11.0.2

I just recreated the "select text" macro, then do some waiting, call the yellow macro, wait, move and click the mouse, call the note macro. It works in testing, but you can probably make it quicker by experimenting with the delays. I just took a rough guess, tried it once and it worked, so here it is :).
