How Can I use the KM Action "Show Palette for one action"?

Dan, many thanks for the extensive details/screenshots about KeyCue.

While that is certainly better than nothing, I really don't want to show all KM hotkeys that are active at the moment. I only want the ones that are in my Evernote Group. I have a ton of other macros that are active (but with no trigger) like in the "Test" group, that I do not want to show. I also have some Evernote macros which do not have a hotkey, only triggered by the Status menu.

Hopefully Peter will see his way clear to give us KM palettes that do not deactivate the Group when not shown.

Thanks for all your suggestions.

KeyCue now ignores Keyboard Maestro and iKey macro groups whose names end with a minus sign.

Also, KC only displays macros that have keyboard triggers.

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