How display all files in folder with a trigger before each file name

Thank you for the macro which now works.
I have default foder X, but use it the most basic way (save as …).
How could it be used to solve the same problem. I had not thought about it.
thanks again

OK, that's good.

Just to be clear:

Do NOT change the settings in the Prompt Action:

Change the Data in these Set Variable Actions:

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thank you VERY much for your explanations and making the smapshots. Have a nice weekend !

Just to mention alternatives – Alfred and LaunchBar also can be used for this sort of activity: display folder contents and select file action with hotkey.

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Thank you for your comment
Would you be so kind to indicate how it is fine with launchbar?

I would even dare to say that this is part of the core features of Alfred/LaunchBar :wink:

@ronald, if you are referring to @korm’s post:

Display folder contents:

  1. Activate LB with your hotkey
  2. Type something like “documents” to make your Documents folder show up
  3. If it is not already selected, then select it.
  4. Press…
  • Right Arrow to see the folder contents hierarchically
  • Spacebar to see the flat folder contents

Select file actions

  1. Navigate to the desired file in LB and select it. Now you can either…
  • type one of the preconfigured hotkeys, for example ⇧⌘R to rename the file or ⌥⌘A to assign an abbreviation. [1]
  • or press the Tab key to send the selected file. You can send it one of your actions, or you can send it to another folder, or to an application to open it, etc., many possibilities…

These things are also explained in the online help.

[1] If you don’t have memorized the preconfigured hotkeys, then simply click the top-most item to open the contextual menu:

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thank you very much !!! you opened a whole new world !

the folder name is Scrivener scriv files but Launchbar does not accept spaces in names. How do you get around that? thanks

Try “ssf”.

Then you should see it either at the top of the list, or further down. (You can scroll the list with the mouse wheel or the Arrow keys.)

If you find it further down, then select it and open it. The next time you try, it should appear at the top (or at least near the top), since LB will try to learn what you are searching for. (You are training it by doing, to say so.)

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Once you find the folder (or any item in LB), you can assign it your custom abbreviation (press ⌘⌥A). In this case I would use "SF" for Scrivener Files.
But use whatever mnemonic works for you.

Once you have selected the folder, if you press SPACE it shows you a flat list of items in that folder. Then you can type more characters to filter that list.

The only thing missing (but maybe @Tom knows a way) for me is to filter the list by file extension, like "png" or "scriv"; OR by file type, like "image".

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thank you Tom

Thank you Michael

Sorry: I tried, and there are about a zillion results. It boggles the mind that I can’t put a space in a name

When the item has multiple words, try typing the first character of each word.
As @Tom suggested: "ssf"

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still far too many. Isn’t there a way to tell LB that i am looking for a folder? thanks

Type “folders” and it should show you the “Folders” category. Open it and search again.


@Tom, I think you should apply to LaunchBar for a job of trainer/educator.
Then, start publishing a blog with all of your great tips.
Maybe have a “Tip of the Day” we could subscribe to.

If you need a recommendation, let me know. I’m serious. :smile:

@JMichaelTX @Tom great. thanks. I second what JMTx says. Launchbar tips and tricks are sorely needed.I would subscribe now. Reading the help is of limited value.

It works differently than Alfred. The Spacebar has a special meaning, as mentioned in my post above.

Type either the initial letters of the words (My file, works also with MyFile) or you can also type the whole string, just ignoring the spaces.

If you have many items with similar names, it can be unsatisfying, yes. But remember, once you have typed your search and then opened the item, next time will LB will know.

If you are to inpatient for that, do it as @JMichaelTX has suggested and assign a fix abbreviation.

(But don’t do this for each and every file, because a “learned” abbreviation is preferable in most cases, since it adapts to your habits, while a fix abbreviation you have to change manually if you desire different abbreviations in the future. This can be cumbersome if you have hundreds of fix abbreviations…)

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thank you