How Do I Copy and Paste from Excel to Website?

Sorry for the late reply. The other app is Epic (Hyperspace) Electronic Health Record. It’s accessed through the Citrix which I believe is a VPN. When I select Epic, which is a “published app” on the Citrix desktop, I’m able to interact with it through the “Citrix Viewer”.

To answer your other question, yes it automatically positions the cursor in the next input field after clicking “Accept”.

No, have not gotten the macro to work yet.

Here's my try at the macro. Was able to cobble together something in AppleScript that would read the Excel sheet.

The next issue is to output each item in the list to the second application (Epic EHR in the Citrix Viewer) as noted above in the screenshot. I need to iterate through the list, but I'm not really clear how. Each output to the target application needs to be followed by a return.

Any help is appreciated.

Excel to Fill Epic SmartPhrase User List

Excel to Fill Epic SmartPhrase User List.kmmacros (3.4 KB)


This text will be hidden

An example of the spreadsheet:

A post was split to a new topic: Extracting Data From Microsoft Excel

I am very new to KM (like two hours..) - but I believe manipulating any sessions in Citrix viewer will not work via KM unless KM communicates with Citrix viewer...
Citrix session is basically the Windows remote desktop session... If you can open the EPIC app (or whatever it is) in the Citrix session having specific size and location, KM may be able to click/type through without reading the remote desktop session's status... The logic would be the same for any automated program or scripts, not just KM.
I'd say backloading information directly within the Citrix session is probably the best and easier way as long as you have such user rights and certain EPIC interface is available to do so.