How do you tell KM to click on a certain screen if you have 2 screens

I have two screens on my computer but I cannot program KM to select the second screen

Where on the second screen do you want to click?

anywhere i cant select it

sorry for the last response. my hands were tied. i have two screens and i can only select one of them. the second screen i cannot select at all.

Use the Screen token to get the position of the 2nd screen, and use in the Move or Click Mouse action


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Is there a way to activate an app in 1st / 2nd screen in case it's windows are open in multiple screens?

  1. Activate the app
  2. Cycle through the windows of the app to find one in the screen of interest
  3. Make that window frontmost.
  4. Click in the upper left area (where there are no buttons/controls) of the window title bar to force the system to use that screen as the main screen. I typically do this:


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