Hey @noisneil,
Thanks for sharing displayplacer.
I barely know about the terminal related activities.
After struggled 3 hours figure out how to install and use homebrew/displayplacer, I finally got the displayplacer id
displayplacer "id:D5C1BFAE-CA1D-6490-3C92-70FD722C399A+1B92BA28-400C-D615-5AED-4950FF2471A2 res:1920x1200 hz:59 color_depth:8 scaling:off origin:(0,0) degree:0 "
As I run this directly into the Terminal it works as I intended, but when run Execute Shell Script action in KM, it doesn't work.
The error message says it has permission problem so I search in this forum and found
another topic about the displayplacer.
Remote Control Trigger — Updated With Solution
Referenced the macro above, I tried the action like below
Now the error message doesn't show up but nothing happens.
Could you give me an advise on this?
Thanks as always.