That chart says a should give me uppercase, and b should be lowercase. But I'm getting uppercase regardless of which format I choose (and how many a or b characters I use). My macro is very simple, just display text with this text:
Based on some testing, I think this is related to locales and standards for displaying AM and PM only in uppercase…right? I worked around it by manually searching/replacing the strings, but that's so barbaric. Is there another approach?
Well, that's just bizarre. On all three of my Macs here (USA, west coast), a single b gets me uppercase AM/PM … and I've never mucked with any locale settings.
What time server do you use in System Settings > General > Date & Time? I'm using; that's about the only thing I can see where maybe it has an effect? There are no other user-visible settings I see that control time formats. Date and numbers, yes, but not times.
System Settings -> Language & Region. Set your "Region" to Europe -> United Kingdom -- ignore the restart dialog -- and you'll see the same as me. Set it back to your original and you'll be back to your "wrong" behaviour.
Payback for insisting on spelling "colour" wrong, IMO