How to get UID of currently selected macro quickly?

I cannot find any way to get UID of a macro. How can I get it? I tried searching on the forum and on the internet.

Also what does this action do :

I was always curious. My guess is it shows the last ran macro but am not sure. :slight_smile:

Thank you for any help.

Have you tried @DanThomas’ macro?

MACRO: Get Selected Macro UUID (and name) (without the clipboard)

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If you hover with the mouse over the button it tells you what it does (or what it is supposed to do):

No I have not, this works great. Will just modify it to store it in my clipboard and all is good.

Ohh, I thought I tried that, I guess I didn’t wait that long. Thank you, it makes sense now.

Have you tried the KM menu?

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A simple click on it takes you to the previously EDITED macro (not necessarily the last run).

A click-and-hold shows the macros recently edited. Drag the mouse down and release to select the one you want to edit.

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16 posts were split to a new topic: Using and Comparing Automation Tools: Keyboard Maestro, Alfred, LaunchBar, etc

Hey guys, I have moved our off-topic discussion about other automation tools to a new topic:

Using and Comparing Automation Tools: Keyboard Maestro, Alfred, LaunchBar, etc

This important subject really deserves its own topic, where others can easily find it.

Most of the blame for the off-topic posts here rests with me. My apologies.