How to Make a “Click Here” Shortcut to Execute Keyboard Maestro Macro?

I have set up a Mac mini whose only role in life is going to be to run a Zoom meeting.

I am trying to make it as "automatic" as possible, but I want to have an easy way for someone who knows nothing about computers to be able to run the macro if needed.

What's the easiest way to do that?

I'm sure there is a way, but my mind is drawing a blank.

I do something similar. In my case, launching Safari isn't asking too much and the home page is just a set of big buttons. In your case, I'd use a URL trigger instead of a URL on the button.

And since they have to run Zoom anyway, I'd still do this in Safari instead of a Custom HTML Prompt.

I went with an “app” from Automator which runs an AppleScript which triggers a specific Keyboard Maestro macro.

I can put the “app” on the (otherwise empty) desktop, or on the Dock. and just tell people to “Click the Robot”.

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Good solution. I'm guessing you set the Dock to "Always Visible", and your script has Zoom set to a predefined meeting, that will make it much easier.