How to package a palette group and sub macros it uses?

Hmm. A little confusing, assuming I actually understand the concept. How about something like this, perhaps with a little visual embellishment?

  • Disabled is like commenting out a line of code - you can look at it in the editor, but it doesn’t do anything, and can’t (or at least shouldn’t) be executed from other macros.
  • Enabled is the normal state for a macro/group.

  • Active means all of the “Available when” conditions are true, assuming the macro/group is Enabled.
  • Inactive means none of the “Available when” conditions are true.

Do I understand this correctly?

all conditions must be be true.

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There is also Toggle Enable on the KM Editor View menu.

Dan and all:

I just made an update. Is it clear now?
The image really tells it all.


That looks good to me. Good job!