How to pass KM Variable into a Word Mac 2011 Macro (as a Variable)?

Hey JM,

This is actually new and improved in KM 7.0.2. (REQUIRES Keyboard Maestro 7.0.2)

####Set Keyboard Maestro variable using AppleScript.

# Keyboard Maestro — Set value of variable "<variable name>"
set myText to "whatever"

tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
  if variable "myKMVariableName" exists then
    set value of variable "myKMVariableName" to myText
    make new variable with properties {name:"myKMVariableName", value:myText}
  end if
end tell

####Get Keyboard Maestro variable using AppleScript.

# Keyboard Maestro — Get value of variable "<variable name>"
tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
  if variable "myKMVariableName" exists then
    set myAppleScriptVariableName to value of variable "myKMVariableName"
  end if
end tell


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