That a clipboard holds only one item is, at least in practical terms, true (or a convenient model) for most users, would you not agree? It's at least a more useful basic model than the common, erroneous assumption that the clipboard holds multiple items which the “clipboard history” can access.
Those are the “flavours” of the “single copied thing” (if that thing is polyamorous or ambidextrous or whatever the term may be...) so yes, it's interesting, but surely an aside.
So in practical terms for the end user, it is as if there is only ever one item in the clipboard, so I shall hold onto that as a simplification of the truth, but it is interesting that the Finder copies are multiple entries in the clipboard. I would imagine that an application could use that fact to copy or move the separate files to different places... Yes, we must have that in KM... I see a great need.
Users could use it to copy many times and paste one by one, like KM could also do.
It allows to set "move the clipboard just pasted to the system clipboard" and also allows not moving. So if not moved, regarding the exmaple I mentioned before, no matter how many times I press "cmd+2", it shows "222", not "111" or "333" .
Since you may do not read Chinese, I just took 3 screeshots to help understand. (For picture 2&3, you may just read red color text)
After I copy 666 to 111 by 6 times copying, there would be 6 cards.
Maybe you could have a try, and it's for free. You could download it from .
"create more clipboards" I said abovfe doesn't mean real clipboards, and I do understand there is only 1 clipboard for the system, but the applications could use it and other ways to to enhance the clipboard functions and it looks like some "virtual clipboards". The clipboard history of KM is also doing like this.
Yes, maybe that's the basic logic of these kind of software, though it's not the same as you said (when press cmd+v to use system clipboard, it still past "222", not "333" because I use shortkey to past "222" before").
Well, the key problem for KM is when I press hotkey to copy from past clipbard, it changes the order of I copied, then even I press the same hotkey, it shows different cotent.
Note that there is a reason that Keyboard Maestro does not restore the clipboard and that this will work most of the time, but potentially not all of the time, and can instead paste the wrong thing (which could be catastrophic depending on what is pasted and where it is pasted).
Also, the above will move or copy clipboard entry 1 (the immediately past clipboard entry) to the system clipboard (aka clipboard entry 0), and then will delete it, restoring the system clipboard to what it was before, and pasting either what you want, or potentially the original system clipboard. The original entry at clipboard entry 1 will be moved if it it plain text only (and then deleted), or copied if it contains other information.
So, for example, if the clipboard entry at position 1 was created with a Set Clipboard to Text action, that sequence would delete the entry. If it is copied from an application, then it probably includes other information and would be copied instead of moved.
Oh crud, I see it now. Thanks for the heads up @peternlewis.
I only realize now that all of my use cases for this involve preserving the clipboard history following random pastes (which seems safe), NOT trying to repeatedly paste from the history as Jerry asked.
Ironically, I pointed out the fault myself, i.e. "I did not realize that duplicates were disallowed in the clipboard history"
Since I'm very new about creating macros by Keyboard Maestro (only keystroke, mouse move & click, and some simple if/else), and I have no experience in developing software, though I do believe the risks Peter mentioned are true, I could hardly understand what they are and what will cause.
To avoid confusing other users, I also cancelled the "sulotion" option since Devoy removed the tip.
Anyway, it helped solve the problem I currently meet. Thank you ALL so much.