How to Quote Text and Script Code Blocks

I’m more up to a “do what your guts tell you” but do not do it if it might kill you, or if you have a really significantly better solution at hand.


I already wanted to post some paragraphs in order to illustrate how to quote, but finally I didn’t do it. The content was just a bit too personal, and most likely most folks here wouldn’t know what to do with it.

Anyways now, I’ll post it here (it connects to your mention of Fates, which inspired me to this):

I really believe in things like Fate, Ghosts or similar, you got the idea. Well, not literally, in the popular sense, but I know that there is stuff out there (and “inside” of us) we don’t “know”.

We do not know it due to the simple fact that we do not have ways to access it. Our day’s “Natural Sciences” are way too naive and limited to only their own scope (which is pre-defined by themselves, logically, redundantly).

I’m aware that you are calling me crazy from this point on. That is, because most of ye’ folks probably have studied maths or physics or chemistry :slight_smile:

I’m a linguist. The main difference between a physician and a linguist is that the linguist has learned to work with humans (the language, e.g.). This tiny difference might seem irrelevant to some.
But, in fact, it is where the above mentioned things come into play. It allows us to grab any thing. And we have the freedom to see it as it is (if we are able to), a luxury the physician does not have.

A little essay.
Just to show you how to quote properly :wink: (But the text is by me in this case.)

Outstanding! To pursue here is definitely off topic by the degree you fall on the ontology/materialist scale and ones willingness/courage to acknowledge experience beyond the mundane.

As someone said:

half assed doesn’t work no matter which cheek you have left.

Of what value is the perfect forum if spirit isn’t attending?

Thanks for a courageous share! :clap:t2:

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Thanks for the


I appreciate it.

Hey Tom, This extension is the culprit. When disabled the keyboard shortcuts work. I'll delete it. Thanks!

Here's what Cummings said about "mostpeople" since feeling is first - The poems to come are for you and for me and are...

Thanks for that info. Just a couple of days ago I stumbled upon this extension in the Store. I postponed the purchase, because the description smelled a bit of a rather intrusive extension…; so, very good to know that it definitely is. Thanks.