[SOLVED] Increase variable number indefinitely not working?

Shouldn't this keep showing notifications with increasing numbers until I decide to cancel the macro?

Set Variable to Text.kmmacros (21 KB)

Keyboard Maestro Export

It's not working as you want because the "Retry This Loop" Action is retrying the loop each time from where it was before - i.e. it keeps going back to adding 1 to 0 each time so the answer is always 1.

Instead use a "While" loop. "While Keyboard Maestro is at the front keep looping the Action of adding 1".

In the example below I also added in a pause to keep things from going crazy... The loop will stop when Keyboard Maestro is no longer the front App.

Set Variable to Text v2.00.kmmacros (21.2 KB)

Click to Show Image of Macro

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So maybe you can help me figure this out as well?

This is a good option. It works now!

Thank you so much!

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