Is there any way to instruct a macro to click on specific lines and boxes

@ronald First off, kudos for continuing to ask questions. I’ve found very few people who are as willing to say “I don’t get it yet” as you are - most people just give up. And that’s a shame, because there’s so much you can learn if you’re persistent. And you are, so keep it up!

As for the XPath action, two things. First, “XPath” is the name of a way to reference parts of a web page and XML (it’s more than that, but that’s enough for now). So it’s a generic term, not specific to KM.

Secondly, the action that was mentioned by @JMichaelTX was actually written by a member of this forum, and he says it’s broken. So we can’t use that.

As for finding the screen coordinates: In the Keyboard Maestro editor, there’s a menu item: Window -> Mouse display. You can use that to determine screen coordinates.

Just remember that in KM, when you refer to a screen area, it wants X,Y,W,H, which means Left, Top, Width, Height. So that means if you have the top left at 100,200 and the bottom right at 400,900, with width is 300 (400-100) and height is 700 (900-200). Assuming I didn’t transpose anything, which I did until I proof-read what I typed. :slight_smile:

Oh - one other thing about finding images in areas. For some reason, I’ve had to specify an area larger than the target image, or KM won’t find it. Not sure why. I need to ask Peter about that. Anyway, if you decide to use areas, play around with the sizes.

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"XPath" is a web technology, not a KM Action name.

As I mentioned earlier, to see topics here about XPath, click this link:

Topics tagged with 'xpath'
####For those not familiar with XPath, like me, you may find these helpful:

  1. Introduction to using XPath in JavaScript @
  2. XPath Tutorial @
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@JMichaelTX - In case you missed my earlier comment, @ComplexPoint says his macro is broken right now. I was actually giving it a try!

See, an old dog can learn new tricks. Except, well, this one’s broken.

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Dan, I never had any doublts about you learning new tricks.
Just take the broken bone back to the owner, and ask him to fix it. :smile:

I'd love to see you tackle XPath, along with me. Even though I recognize its value, I also have not spent that much time learning it.

So many new tools, so little time.

What’s interesting is that I didn’t realize hoe easy it was to actually obtain the XPath. I thought I’ad have to construct one manually. Not gonna happen. :stuck_out_tongue:

@DanThomas @JMichaelTX
thank you for the info about XPath. It is way beyond my abilities.

thank you for your kind words.
Now things are clear about the coordinates