It is possible for KM to detect today's (apple) calendar events?

Hi, @fluid_eye. As @Steve_E suggested, a macOS Shortcuts application shortcut can be combined with a Keyboard Maestro application macro to achieve your objective. Specifically:

  • In Shortcuts check out the action named Find Calendar Events; with it, you can specify a range of dates (which can include times). You can add additional filters which can include the Calendar(s). With that filter values you could hard code the filter, specify Ask Each Time or use a variable from above action (e.g., the result of a Choose from List action). As an example, I have a shortcut that checks four of my calendars and sends me a text message that includes all entries for the following day (between Specified Dates: Tomorrow 00:00 to Tomorrow 23:59).

  • To combine data from shortcuts and macros, I suggest you check out one of my earlier posts: Keyboard Maestro and macOS Shortcuts—Data Transfer Examples - Tips & Tutorials

Good luck. If you have any follow-up questions, feel free to ask.