"Just Move Cursor" is clicking in Chrome (v9.0.5)

This macro works fine on my computer but on an associate's mac it is "clicking" instead of just moving the cursor. Both Macs have similar specs:
KM v9.0.5
OS X 10.13.6
Dual Monitors (Cursor is moved on secondary monitor)
Chrome Versions: 80.0.3987.132 and Version 80.0.3987.163

We've experienced similar issues when changing focus to Chrome.

Download PNG.kmmacros (26 KB)

Something else is going on. The Move Mouse will definitely not be clicking. So if a click is happening, then either some other software is causing the click, or something is deciding you wanted to click even though you haven't, or something else (long shot: you are triggering a different macro, or the macros aren't being saved).

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