Jxa runs in script editor but not in console - typinator


The following code runs fine in the Script Editor

Application("Typinator").ruleSets.byName("XXX").enabled = true

but when running from the command line it throws an error

$ osascript -l JavaScript -e 'Application("Typinator").ruleSets.byName("XXX").enabled = true'
0:77: execution error: Error on line 1: Error: An error occurred. (-1743)```

can somebody help??

A clash of syntaxes (the role of double quotes in the shell).

This should work, I think:

osascript -l JavaScript -e "Application('Typinator').ruleSets.byName('XXX').enabled = true"

in the end this was not a problem with jxa or the quotes. It's an issue with typinator

so I modifield this code




in /Applications/Typinator.app/Contents/Info.plist so that typinator could be on the dock and appear while doing cmd+tab, but this generated the issue above. In the end I surrender and put it pack to the normal state (dockless).

While Typinator was on the dock, I could successfully run the JXA from Script Editor but not from the command line.

Did you ask the folks that make Typinator?
I have found them to be very responsive.

Support team for typinator replied this is not possible, the best thing is to set a global shorcut.