Keyboard Maestro 10 Is Fantastic!

If I can second Peter's recommendation.

When David asked me to look at the Field Guide for Keyboard Maestro, I was sure I had finally found a Field Guide where -- surely! -- I would not learn much. I use this app every day! I know it very well!

Nope, took only a handful of minutes before I said "Oh, I never thought of doing that."

No matter what your experience level, if your name isn't Peter Lewis (or maybe Christopher Stone :wink: I bet you'll learn a bunch from the Field Guide.


I am looking forward to seeing your tips Peter! Thanks in advance!


Done :smiley::+1:t2:Thank you so much, @peternlewis :pray:

Screenshot_2021-11-03 11.08.55_8kuDbM


Oh boy, Christmas came early!


Upgraded! Can't wait to check it out! :raised_hands:t2: :pray:t2: Out of all the apps in the world, KM is still my all time favorite. Endless hours of creativity / productivity... the value far exceeds the cost. Thanks for keeping it great


He'll probably have to release a new edition.

And he says he will in the new year. :slight_smile:


Even nicer… from MacSparky’s announcement:

I will be doing a free update to the Keyboard Maestro Field Guide after the new year covering the new features.

Emphasis added.

The Field Guides get better over time, which is another nice feature!


Loving the update!

I see that Stream Deck icons aren't meant to be blurry any more... but they're still a bit blurry. Were they worse before?

Hmmm... there are certain SD buttons I do use KM icons for nowadays, and they look pretty good. But I do remember before KM10 came out I hated the way they were rendered on the SD. Not sure if it was just the icons I was using or if the recent update made changes because I used custom images for a long time and just recently switched to using a few icons.

Just wondered if maybe I was adding them the wrong way or something. I'm opening the icon in Preview, selecting all and copy-pasting them onto the Set Stream Deck Image action. I'm using my own custom icons and they're a tiny bit blurry when added via KM. No biggie.

Oh ok, I thought you meant you were using the icons KM has available in the icon chooser.

I use the SD XL which has 144x144 resolution for its buttons, and I have heard in other forums that if you use images that are not 144x144, SD resizes them but sometimes they might be blurry. So it's a matter of setting whatever images you want to use as SD images to the correct resolution before using them.

Yeah, I've tried that. Any resolution over 72 is fine when you add it via the SD software, but always a tiny bit blurry via KM.

Hmmm… rereading your earlier comment I wonder if the reason mine aren’t blurry is because I link to the file image instead of embedding it in the action. Try setting a clipboard to the image path, and then setting the SD icon to the clipboard like I do in the screenshot below and see if it's any better.


Yep, that does it! Saved that action combo as a fave. Thanks!

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Sweet! This morning I vaguely recalled having read somewhere that copying and pasting into the image well compresses the image or something to that affect and therefore it's better to link to it. Glad you got it going!

Presumably, linking it would have worked in v9.x? From the v10 feature announcement, I got the impression that embedding the image resulted in improved quality. @peternlewis can you confirm?

Can you clarify the Button ID - does that mean instead of the default R1C1 format you can substitute the name of the action assigned to the button?

Hey there, the button ID is unrelated to it's trigger. It's used to identify a button for KM to send information back to the button (in this case setting its image, alternatively to set its title).

For instance, in the first screenshot below, I have the button ID set to LB Call Answer which allows me to set its image and title using the actions in the second screenshot. Note that if you want KM to set the button title, you must leave the title space empty in the Stream Deck app.

The virtual row and virtual columns are used to manually set what you want the trigger to be. I have set those to 21 and 28 respectively. In the third screenshot you can see how KM interprets those virtual row and column numbers.

Screenshot 1: Stream Deck button information (ID and virtual row/column) (click to expand/collapse)

Screenshot 2: KM actions to set SD button title and image using the Button ID (click to expand/collapse)

Screenshot 3: How KM interprets the virtual row and column for the trigger (click to expand/collapse)