Keyboard Maestro Editor opening up automatically every day around 5PM?

Sorry you feel that way -- I was just trying to help, and in order to do that I needed more info that in your OP. We are pretty good around here, but we haven't quite mastered reading minds, yet. :wink:

I had no idea what you had done, or not done, since you did not say.
I did give you a few pointers and suggestions for troubleshooting.

Good luck in resolving your issue.


So if it isn’t a macro, then the most likely thing is something else causing it.

I suppose one possibility would be if some file is being opened that the system has decided belongs to Keyboard Maestro (eg, maybe the system has decided Keyboard Maestro is an editor for .plist files, and a plist file is being opened).

Other than via a macro, or in response to nagging about expiring trials, or in response to direct user selection, there isn’t any time that Keyboard Maestro Engine would open the editor. You’ve discounted all those possibilities, so the only thing remaining is something else is opening it.

This is probably a very good idea of a possibility.

@fhall1 and @reno-raines

You can read the document type associations from an lsregister dump. Paste this into the Terminal and run it:

/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -dump | perl -ne 'print if / \/Applications\/Keyboard\n/../CFBundleExecutable = "Keyboard Maestro";/'

You should get an output like this:

Complete output
	path:          /Applications/Keyboard
	name:          Keyboard Maestro
	displayName:   (null)
	itemName:      (null)
	teamID:        QMHRBA4LGH
	staticSize:    0
	storeFront:    0
	versionID:     0
	sourceAppID:   (null)
	ratingLabel:   (null)
	ratingRank:    0
	genre::        (null)
	genreID:       0
	2ry category:  (null)
	identifier:    com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.editor (0x80005116)
	vendor:        (null)
	type:          (null)
	version:       8.2 (<00004000 00200000>)
	versionString: 8.2
	displayVersion 8.2
	codeInfoID:    (null)
	signerOrg:     (null)
	mod date:      22.03.18, 04:23
	reg date:      23.03.18, 12:24
	type code:     'APPL'
	creator code:  'MKKM'
	plist flags:   (0000000000010000)
	Icon flags:    relative-icon-path  (0000000000000001)
	arch flags:    x86_64  (0000000000000008)
	item flags:    container  package  application  extension-hidden  native-app  scriptable  (000000000010088e)
	iconName:      (null)
	icons:         Contents/Resources/kmicon.icns
	executable:    Contents/MacOS/Keyboard Maestro
	inode:         8611948791
	exec inode:    8611948798
	container id:  4
	min version:   10.10 (<00004001 00280000>)
	mach min ver:  10.10 (<00004001 00280000>)
	execSDK ver:   10.13 (<0000a001 00280000>)
	plistCommon:   {
    CFBundleDevelopmentRegion = English;
    CFBundleDocumentTypes =     (
            CFBundleTypeExtensions =             (
            CFBundleTypeIconFile = "MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeName = "Keyboard Maestro Macro File";
            CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
            LSTypeIsPackage = 0;
            "_LSIconPath" = "Contents/Resources/MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeExtensions =             (
            CFBundleTypeIconFile = "MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeName = "Keyboard Maestro Library File";
            CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
            LSTypeIsPackage = 0;
            "_LSIconPath" = "Contents/Resources/MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeExtensions =             (
            CFBundleTypeIconFile = "MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeName = "Keyboard Maestro Macro Sync File";
            CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
            LSTypeIsPackage = 0;
            "_LSIconPath" = "Contents/Resources/MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeExtensions =             (
            CFBundleTypeIconFile = "MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeName = "Keyboard Maestro Extension File";
            CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer;
            LSTypeIsPackage = 0;
            "_LSIconPath" = "Contents/Resources/MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeExtensions =             (
            CFBundleTypeIconFile = "MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeName = "Keyboard Maestro Plug In Action";
            CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer;
            LSTypeIsPackage = 0;
            "_LSIconPath" = "Contents/Resources/MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeExtensions =             (
            CFBundleTypeIconFile = "MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeName = "Keyboard Maestro Actions File";
            CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
            LSTypeIsPackage = 0;
            "_LSIconPath" = "Contents/Resources/MacroExportFile.icns";
    CFBundleExecutable = "Keyboard Maestro";

The important part are the CFBundleDocumentTypes:

    CFBundleDocumentTypes =     (
            CFBundleTypeExtensions =             (
            CFBundleTypeIconFile = "MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeName = "Keyboard Maestro Macro File";
            CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
            LSTypeIsPackage = 0;
            "_LSIconPath" = "Contents/Resources/MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeExtensions =             (
            CFBundleTypeIconFile = "MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeName = "Keyboard Maestro Library File";
            CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
            LSTypeIsPackage = 0;
            "_LSIconPath" = "Contents/Resources/MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeExtensions =             (
            CFBundleTypeIconFile = "MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeName = "Keyboard Maestro Macro Sync File";
            CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
            LSTypeIsPackage = 0;
            "_LSIconPath" = "Contents/Resources/MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeExtensions =             (
            CFBundleTypeIconFile = "MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeName = "Keyboard Maestro Extension File";
            CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer;
            LSTypeIsPackage = 0;
            "_LSIconPath" = "Contents/Resources/MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeExtensions =             (
            CFBundleTypeIconFile = "MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeName = "Keyboard Maestro Plug In Action";
            CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer;
            LSTypeIsPackage = 0;
            "_LSIconPath" = "Contents/Resources/MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeExtensions =             (
            CFBundleTypeIconFile = "MacroExportFile.icns";
            CFBundleTypeName = "Keyboard Maestro Actions File";
            CFBundleTypeRole = Editor;
            LSTypeIsPackage = 0;
            "_LSIconPath" = "Contents/Resources/MacroExportFile.icns";

The above looks pretty correct to me. It says that the document types supported by Keyboard Maestro Editor are these (by extension):

  • kmmacros
  • kmlibrary
  • kmsync
  • zip
  • kmaction
  • kmactions

If you run the lsregister dump on your machine and find some other extensions (for instance plist like in @peternlewis’ example) then you are probably on the right track.

I fixed it by using Appdelete to get rid of all traces of KBM. I was only using it for one macro anyway and found a different solution…now, no more Editor popup.