Keyboard Maestro supports Swift?!

I’m working on native automation code in Swift. Almost there. I’m not going to need to run any scripts.

Unfortunately I’ll be busy most of today, but this is gonna happen.

Mostly due to this guy’s awesome work:

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not up to snuff yet

Just a guess, but I wonder whether you have bumped into an addictively coprolalic Cassandra voice that energetically pops up all over Stack Overflow to declare many post Carbon Apple technologies (and perhaps especially Automation JS) to be utterly unholy and off-limits and broken and four lettered and a threat to the market for the better sort of AppleScript book :slight_smile:

( Months after this charming and entertaining voice has authoritatively declared that no solution exists, or that something is broken beyond repair, or simply not to be used or looked at, the actual solution is quietly offered by others, so it can pay just to skim past the light obscenity posting which often gets there first :slight_smile: )

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I know nothing about that. I can tell you, though, that this is the first Apple language of any kind I’ve found alluring. How many times have I written “I miss C#”? Who knew? C#'s beautiful sister, albeit younger and less mature, but with some surprisingly enticing endowments, was available and just waiting until I finally noticed her?

Sorry to resurrect an old topic, but has anyone tried SwiftAE for automation in Swift?