KM 8.0.4 Scripting Changes

My impression is that it's the latter, though I would love to be wrong. In the meantime, I did already find a way to make use of this new ability to eliminate the need for the Satimage.osx in this script, which I posted earlier in Optimisation of user input selection - #20 by gglick

set MacroNames to {}
set MacroUUIDs to {}

tell application "Keyboard Maestro"
	repeat with i in (every macro whose name starts with "Search")
		set end of MacroNames to name of i
		set end of MacroUUIDs to id of i
	end repeat
end tell

set MacrosAndUUIDs to {}
repeat with i from 1 to count MacroNames
	set end of MacrosAndUUIDs to (item i of MacroNames) & ": " & (item i of MacroUUIDs)
end repeat

choose from list MacrosAndUUIDs with multiple selections allowed
set SelectedMacros to result

--Part that uses KM 8.0.4's new Search & Replace capability:

repeat with i from 1 to (length of SelectedMacros)
	tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
		set MacroToRun to search item i of SelectedMacros for ".*: ([A-Z0-9-]+)$" replace "$1" with regex
		do script MacroToRun
	end tell
end repeat

It worked exactly as I expected, which was great. This one addition will make a lot of scripting solutions significantly more useful to KM users, since we'll no longer have to ask people to install the Satimage.osx just to get regex capabilities in AppleScript. Thanks, @peternlewis!