Launch file with string replace?

Hey Chris,

Look here:

(Note that it links to the actual post, so you can see all of it.)

If you're going to use Safari or Google Chrome you can talk to them directly and avoid clumsy paste operations.

tell application "Safari"
  set newDoc to make new document
  set URL of newDoc to ""
end tell

So – to put things together:

set myPrefix to "http://localhost/~pctechtv"
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/Users/pctechtv/Sites"

tell application "Path Finder"
  set selItemList to selection
  repeat with i in selItemList
    set contents of i to myPrefix & (text item 2 of (get POSIX path of (contents of i)))
  end repeat
end tell

tell application "Safari"
  repeat with i in selItemList
    make new document with properties {URL:i}
  end repeat
end tell

Path Finder's AppleScript support is poor but serviceable for some things.

Safari on the other hand is quite scriptable.


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