MACRO: Activate, Reload, or Open Browser Tab, v4.0

I've updated the OP with Version 4.0 of Activate, Reload, or Open Browser Tab:

  • Added support for Arc.*

  • Added a third trigger Mode: x:URL, where x is a single character (case insensitive) used to specify the browser, i.e., the first letter of one of the supported browsers: Safari, Arc, Chrome, Brave, Edge, or Vivaldi

  • Added the settings local_Browser_default, local_ReplaceMatchedUrl_default, local_ReloadTab_default, and local_NewWindowIfNotFound_default.

This is soooooo good _jims! v4 Caller–Example 4 is great - tried a couple others without much reading the "manual" and could tell v4 Caller–Example 4 would work. Was able to just trial & error with the three booleans and now I have two amazing macros for two different repetitive Chrome tasks.

As with many things, it wasn't that it took so much time to command tab & control tab to where I wanted... but I knew there was a better way and it was painful I hadn't set up something like this.

Minutes later, I'm as happy as a clam, calling the shortcuts via this one steadily increasing Conflict Palette. (heh, doesn't sound much like a peacetime feature, but it's great - should prob move to Macro Group Palettes or something in the future)

Thank you for TIME and sanity @_jims !

Edit: said "v4" when I meant the fourth example macro

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