MACRO: Floating Progress Bar (Custom HTML Prompt) v1.5

Dan, thanks for providing the "Cancel Button".

Enhancement Request

However, rather than calling a specific Macro that is unique to the Parent Macro that called the Progress Bar, I would like to have an option to "Force Quit" the Panent Macro.

This can be done using the Cancel a Specific Macro Action.

The use case for this is a runaway script in the Parent Macro, or even a KM Action block that contains some Action that is hung up, not responding.

Here's an example:

I would like to have one macro that is always called by all Progress Bars when the Cancel button is pressed.
To make this work, I need to pass the following parameters to this general Cancel Progress Bar:

  1. Name of the Parent Macro that called the Progress Bar
  2. `%ExecutingInstance% of the Parent Macro, which could be assigned to a Progress Bar JSON field.
  3. Name of Global Variable to set to flag cancellation.
    • This would all us to create a unique variable for each Parent Macro.
    • Even better would be to use an Instance Variable, but I'm not sure that is possible given the process flow of Parent Macro > Progress Bar HTML Prompt > Cancel Progress Bar macro
    • @peternlewis, could this be done with Instance variable?

Thanks again Dan.