MACRO: Floating Progress Bar (Custom HTML Prompt) v1.5

Keyboard Maestro uses the system WebView, so no, I don't have any control over it.

The WebView was deprecated in 10.14 (but Keyboard Maestro supports earlier than that, so I still have to use it), and the replacement, WKWebView, has very different abilities, and certainly did not work well in early versions, so when I transition to it there may be some compatibility issues. In particular, it does not support the same level of direct communication between the window and Keyboard Maestro Engine, and so everything has to be done asynchronously which will make writing such web pages more difficult.

No, this wasn't by design. I think I can fix it - I'll give it a look.

Ooh, I love a challenge. :smirk:


Peter, thanks for the info.
I would much prefer that you stick with WebView as long as you can.
Developing the HTML for the current KM HTML Prompt is already enough of a challenge for most of us. We don't need the additional challenge of async of WKWebView.

Just my 2¢.

This minor issue I had with @DanThomas' Progress Bar was the first I have had with any HTML Prompt, and it was very easily fixed.

Just uploaded version 1.5. If you have the Cancel Button visible, and the Progress Bar window is focused, pressing Escape does the same thing as clicking the Cancel button.

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Just want to say thank you for your work !

Thanks, Dan. This is perfect!

Thanks for the very quick response.

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OK, so placed this as a first action in the Show Progress Bar:

and get the following error:

What am I doing wrong?

@DanThomas can you help?

Hello @sudelb :wave:

The prompt is showing your mistake to you …

Use the Variable Local_Params as tokenized Version (%Variable%Local_Params%) in the Execute a Macro-Action with the Parameter checkbox enabled.

This is the way you have to use this awesome Macro.

Dan (@DanThomas), thanks for this awesome work. As always - a great tool :clap: :clap:

Greetings from Germany :de:


Hey, I tried both Local_Param and Instant_Param and it still does not work. It looks like the macro is looking for the Variable %TriggerValue% which is not defined...

Here is how I am trying to trigger it, and it does not work:



Based on the Documentation which is also provided you’re doing everything right …

This may be another issue in execution of the HTML Prompt….

Maybe Dan (@DanThomas) should take a closer look at this - since he wrote this thing …. Because I absolutely have no clue about what the heck is going on….


I am sorry - maybe Dan can help you …

Greetings from Germany :de:


Go into the "show" macro. Right at the start is where it checks %TriggerValue% to make sure it's not blank. Put a "Prompt" action right before where it checks "%TriggerValue% and display %TriggerValue%.



If it's empty, then you're passing the wrong thing to the macro. If it's not empty, then there's a bug in the macro. But there isn't a bug, so you're doing something wrong that's not apparent in what you've shown us.

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Wow Dan :scream:

Thanks :pray: for pointing out such a easy solution to adress this kind of Issue….

While I am writing these words there comes up something I almost forgot about … :thinking:

Checking Database of KMFAM Entities ….

Yes I was right - it turns out that I’ve already a Favorite Action In KMFAM which adresses a silent abort of a Macro that needs Parameters to function properly which in case of an abort triggers another Macro that shows me a prompt with the info about what caused the abort and a reminder how to fix it correctly in the macro that calls the Parameter based Macro/Submacro….

This thing is crazy because it not only opens the macro to fix in the editor - no it selects the actions in question and also opens the dedicated Note in Quiver with the Instructions for the fix…. Everything side by side.

Hope you and also others are getting a new idea based on this …

A very huge Thank you :pray:- again for reminding me to search my Toolbox :toolbox: with over 350 Favorites in KMFAM….

Greetings from Germany :de:


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For the benefit of new Keyboard Maestro users, I thought I'd point out the Display Progress action. It's not nearly as flexible as @DanThomas's Progress Bar macro, but for some situations it might be a good option. Also, if I'm not mistaken, @peternlewis has mentioned that some enhancements are coming with Keyboard Maestro v11.

Thank you, @_jims

Apparently I did not realize that it was actually working, but the progress bar menu appeared in the lower left corner of the screen - only a thin part of the window title visible. Since I did not define the location of the window, I did not anticipate it to appear literally invisible. Not clear why it happen..